Forthcoming colour events around the world:

21. mars 2022
Årsmøte i Forum Farge (Oslo) & International Colour Day.

Webinar 18.00—20.00

Naturens fargepigmenter, mineraler og bindemidler ved Bent Erik Myrvoll, ut vende billedkunster og spesialist på norske fargepigmenter. Myrvoll vil holde en lengre workshop fra fargelaben Aggregat i Ålesund hvor han skal se på naturens fargepigmenter og bindemidler. Dette blir en innføring i blanding av pigmenter i forskjellige medium som kalk og limfarger. Det kan også hende det kommer noen overraskelser underveis.

Male med farger fra stein og jord ved Elin Glærum Haugland, maler og pigmentforsker . Haugland vil snakke om sine erfaringer med å male med naturlige pigmenter som hun blant annet har samlet på sine mange reiser i Norge, Sør-Amerika og Polynesia.

Non-invasive pigment analysis and the case of the Oseberg Viking textiles ved Frederico Grillini, PhD candidate at the Department of Computer Science, NTNU. Grillini vil snakke om hvordan hyperspektral avbildning benyttes som en noninvasiv avbildningsteknikk for   kartlegge og analysere pigmenter i historiske gjenstander, som for eksempel tekstiler hentet fra Osebergskipet. Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk.

20.00—21.00  Årsmøte

Alle medlemmer (og potensielle medlemmer) i Forum Farge er velkommen til delta.

Fargedagen 2022

29 Octobre 2021, 3:00 PM 4:00 PM EST online

Fluorescent Fridays, UNITED STATES

Color in Context for Architects and Designers

Organized by Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC)

31 October 2021 7:00 PM AEDT online

CSA NSW October webinar, AUSTRALIA

"A Conversation about Colour" with sculptor and painter Ron Robertson-Swann, hosted by artist Aly Indermühle

Organized by Colour Society of Australia (CSA)

14 November 2021 online

CIC29 — 29th Color and Imaging Conference

Early Registration ends 11 October 2021

2 Novembre 2021, 2:00 PM

Unravelling the effects of coloured environments and coloured lights, UNITED STATES

Webinar with Stephen Westland

Organized by Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC)

2–3 November 2021 online

6th ACA Conference, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA

Asia Color Association (ACA) Conference

3 November 2021 online

7 Positions – Healing Architecture, GERMANY

Online lecture series (see programme on the web)

Best Practice Healthcare Architecture

Organized by German Colour Association – Central Institute for Colour in Science and Art at University of Wuppertal in cooperation with Bauhaus University Weimar.

Moderation of the event: Dr. Alexandra Abel (architectural psychologist at Bauhaus University Weimar), Prof. Dr. Axel Buether (Chairman German Colour Association) and students.

Free livestream of the seven lectures on YOUTUBE:

3 November 2021, 2 PM (GMT+1) online

Colour in the Clinic

Organized by The Colour Group (GB), in association with the UK Neuro-ophthalmology Society, you are welcome to attend ‘Colour in the Clinic’ symposium as an online session.

Free tickets will be made available.

5 November 2021, 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM CET

Studio Visit: Colour-Light Poetry, Zürich, SWITZERLAND

Place: Atelier Herdeg, Bachstrtasse 9, CH-8038 Zürich

14 November 2021, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Die Spur der Farben zur weiblichen Kraft (in German), Brüttisellen, SWITZERLAND

Seminar with Barbara Diethelm

Place: Fondation Lascaux, Zürichstrasse 42, CH-8306 Brüttisellen

17 November 2021, 7:00 PM

Talk: Treffpunkt Farbe. Vom Umgang mit Raum und Farbe in einer Hochhaussanierung (in German), Zürich, SWITZERLAND

(How to deal with space and colour in a high-rise building restoration)

Graser und Troxler Architects, Katrin Oechslin Colour Designer

Organized by Bund Schweizer Farbgestalter*innen in der Architektur and Architekturforum Zürich

Venue: Architekturforum Zürich, Zollstrasse 115, CH-8005 Zürich

Free, only with Covid Certificate (vaccinated, recovered or negative PCR)

24 November 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT online

The role of human colour vision and its development in young children, CANADA

Lecture by Kathy Mullen (McGill University)

Organized by Colour Research Society of Canada (CRSC)

24, 25, 26 November 2021 online

Theme: "Sexo, Color y Erotismo", Mexico City, MEXICO

II Congreso Internacional de la AMEXINC y V Encuentro Mexicano del Color

(Second International and Fifth Mexican Color Conference)

Organised by Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores del Color, A. C. (AMEXINC)

Paper Submission Deadline: 31 October 2021


27 November 2021 online

Seminar, TAIWAN

Organized by Department of Visual Art and Design, Nanhua University, and Color Association of Taiwan

1 December 2021, 2.00 PM -15:30 PM (GMT+1) online

Student Awards 2021, UNITED KINGDOM

Organized by The Colour Group (GB)

AIC 2021

Book of Abstract is available online:

AIC 2022

13-16 June 2022

Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association, Toronto, CANADA

“Sensing Colour”

Organized by Colour Research Society of Canada (CRSC)

800-word abstract (plus references)

Abstract Submission Deadline: 7 January 2022

Call for Papers:

ECD web page

For updates have a look to our SG ECD web page:

Exhibition through 17 October 2021

Light Art Festival, Grindelwald, SWITZERLAND

Light Installation by Marcus Pericin and Florian Bachmann, Colour-Light-Centre at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)